Consultancies and Training

Inclusive innovation and intermediation. As part of 4 year SPRU-Colciencias memorandum agreement of training: For Colciencias (Science and Technology Policy Unit) April 2016.

Innovation and Human Resources. Training for the Chinese Aerospace Corporation, London, 2013 and 2014.

The impact of the growth of Asian economies Colombia, workshop on innovation, Bogota: For National University of Colombia December 2011.

Training on assisting the development of innovation capabilities through consultancies in incremental and radical innovation and organisational culture: For Colciencias (Colombia) August 2011.

The role of workplace networks in developing new initiatives to reduce carbon emissions with Climate Outreach Information Network (COIN): For DEFRA 2009-2010.

Monitoring and Evaluation Team for ‘Climate Solidarity’ project led by Climate Outreach Information Network (COIN). Funded by DEFRA. 2010-2011.