Transformative Innovation

Transformative Innovation is an approach to innovation that argues that radical transformations towards achieving a sustainable society are required to address some of the most chronic and persistent problems facing contemporary societies including climate change, inequality, poverty, loss of bio-diversity, health crises and pressures of urban living. Transformative Innovation argues that new development paths are required to achieve better balances between sustainable production and consumption and human well-being.

Much of my research in Transformative Innovation has been in relation to Latin America and has taken place through the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC) – – that was set up at SPRU in 2016. TIPC represents a group of science, technology and innovation researchers, policymakers and funding agencies working together to give substance to a new framing for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy – that addresses global societal challenges, as encapsulated in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.  TIPC is a five-year programme focused on policy experimentation, evaluation, capacity building and research agenda development.

Video on the role of Transformative Innovation Policy and the Sustainable Development Goals:

Explaining Transformative Innovation in Spanish:



The Green Book or Libro Verde, was published as a strategic policy document by Colciencias in 2018, that set out how science and technology policy can work to help meet the sustainable development goals using a transformative innovation policy approach. This document emerged from a collaboration between SPRU headed by Matias Ramirez

In Spanish click this link:
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In English
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BLOG: Colombia, the SDGs, the Green Book and Transformative innovation – A reflection

This page has links to all the presentations and documents used for a training event for the Consultative forum for science and technology in Mexico held in 2018 funded by the British Council in Mexico
Click here

Short video in Spanish explaining TIPC based on an interview in Mexico in 2017. Click the image for video preview.

This is a link to a document written in 2018 with Ana Stival, Johan Schot and Oscar Romero on the contribution of the Brazilian research system to the Sustainable Development Goals
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