Welcome. I am a Reader at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex. My academic interests are related to the study of knowledge and innovation, Transformative Innovation, inclusive innovation and social networks. My most recent papers have focused on Transformative Innovations, the Sustainable Development Goals and the role of social movements in transformative innovation.
I am the co-director of the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC) project that brings together national policy makers from a range of countries interested in transformations in science technology and innovation. I coordinate the Latin American HUB of TIPC. that was launched in March 2020 and brings together 10 institutions including universities, public sector organizations and not for profit institutions from Colombia, Chile and Mexico undertaking policy experiments in transformative innovation.
I lead a 3 year collaboration with SENACYT, the Panamanian science and technology agency to introduce 4 transformative missions (logistics, health, climate change and agriculture). Other projects include the Amazon basin (Puerto Maldonado) on how to slow down deforestation, the opening of the Cancer health systems in Colombia to incorporate knowledge and experience of patients and the development of a methodology to find transformative niches. Below are links to blogs, comments and recent activities. Do get in touch if have any comments by emailing me on mr230@sussex.ac.uk and twitter @MatiasRamirez50.